These quesions and comments relate to the sermon on 15 January 2023, The Least Likely.  The primary scripture is Acts 9:1-31, to learn from the examples of Ananias and Barnabas.

1.  Have you ever been excluded by a ministry group or church because they did not believe you were the right type of person for God to use?  What was that like?

2.  After reading Acts 9, or if you know Saul's conversion story well, was Ananias right to be suspicious of Saul?

3.  What convinced Ananias that he should welcome Saul?

4.  How did Ananias respond to the instruction he was given?

5.  Same questions for Barnabas:  what convinced him and how did he respond?

6.  What kind of results came from the actions of Ananias and Barnabas?

7.  The application is straightforward.  What can we learn from these stories to help us in similar ministry situations today?  How does it work today in our situation?