These questions and comments relate to the sermon on 25 September 2022, Prayer and Fasting.  The primary scripture is Matthew 6:5-18.  

1.  This sermon was delivered on the day of the beginning of a Jewish festival, Rosh Hashana.  Originally it was known as the Day of Trumpets and was the initiation of the fall season of festivals.  (See Leviticus 23)  Look up information on the system of festivals and discuss the reasons for these festivals, how Jesus has fulfilled them, and how he will fulfill them.  For instance, what New Testament reference is there to a future day of trumpet blowing?

2.  It is a season of reflection and repentance, of seeking the Lord.  Read the model prayer, verses 5-8.  Read it slowly and prayerfully.

3.  What can you learn from the model prayer that helps you today?

4.  Do the same for the verses on fasting, vv. 16-18.

5.  How should we fast today?  It is ok to share your experience to encourage others, but not to gloat.

6.  How can you employ the Old Testament feasts and Jesus instruction on giving, prayer, and fasting in your family time?  By the way, these days Jewish people not only celebrate Rosh Hoshana by blowing a shofar.  Another practice is eating apples with honey to signify a sweet new year.  (New Year is a bit confusing, see Nehemiah 8.  It was a new beginning for the nation.)